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Committee Chair Resources


PTA Committee Chair Resources

Thank you for volunteering to be a PTA committee chair!  The Willard PTA couldn't function without your support and commitment!

Below you will find useful information to help guide you in your role.  Click on the appropriate link to find specific information on your committee's event. 



Weekly Owlnotes get sent every Monday morning reminding parents about school related events and information. Use Owlnotes to share and promote information about your events with the Willard community.  

How to send Owlnotes:

  • Email by 5pm on Friday -- Submit exact text that you want to appear in the Owlnotes -- Submission will appear the following Monday


  • Keep text to a few highlighted sentences -- Provide images or flier to link to as attachment

Other forms of communication:

  • PTA Facebook page, PTA website, Mail Chimp (email blast), Ms. McCoy's Owl's Nest (biweekly), Grade Support Team 


Flier Translation

Every event flier should be made available in both English and Spanish. To translate a flier from English to Spanish, please contact PTA Executive Board:


Please use the attached forms when dealing with money.  Forms must be filled out completely, signed by a committee chair and a co-president, and returned to the Treasurer's Box located inside the closet in the back of the main office (near the copy machine).  Don't forget to use the tax exempt form (refer to additional resources below) when making purchases! There are extra copies of these forms in the Treasurer's Box as well.

  • Deposit Voucher Form
    • If you are depositing a large amount of money (cash especially) be sure to contact the treasurer so money is not sitting in the Treasurer's Box unattended for long.
  • Expense Reimbursement Form
    • Reimbursement forms must have receipts/invoices included.